Utanon Festival Queen 2010 Winners

February 17, 2010

12 young ladies from different participating high school and elementary contingents are competing for the crown of Utanon Festival Queen 2010. The event was held at Dalaguete Sports and Cultural Center during the vesparas night of Utanon Festival 2010.



February 15, 2010

CITIGYM's incorporation with RUNNR-Defy your limits, Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino and JCI (Junior Chamber International Philippines) invites you to join the CITIRUN.

CITIGYM is the only gym in Cebu that is open 24 hours everyday located at the Cebu City Waterfront Hotel Lahug. Citigym is highly equipped with the latest Life Fitness Exercise Equipment and world-class gym facilities.
This will be on March 28, 2010 Sunday 555AM, Assembly Time: 5AM at Waterfront Lagoon Area.

Starting of registration is on Feb 18-28 (Early Bird) with fee of 200PHP in different run category - 4K, 6K and 12K. Registration at CitiGym, Cebu Sports Complex, Lahug Barangay Hall, Toby's SM Cebu, RUNNR Ayala Center Cebu and Philippine Sports Commission Office.

For the member of CITIGYM, the registration fee is only 150PHP. First 100 registrants at CITIGYM well get a 3-day gym pass. DEADLINE of registration: MARCH 26, 2010.

For more infos/inquires you may call JULIA at 09177218513, or log on to: http://therunnersbrew.blogspot.com

NOTE: This is not a sponsored post, this is a request blog post from one of the judges of the event.


Budbod Kabog Festival 2010

February 10, 2010

February 10, 2010 - Catmon Cebu celebrates its 175th fiesta anniversary in honor of the patron San Guillermo de Aquitania. One of the big highlights of the celebration is the town famous festival, "Budbod Kabog Festival". Budbod Kabog is one of the specialty products that can only be taste in Catmon Cebu.

Step 1. "Kabhig" Bending of the trunk with the right arm extending to the floor simulating planting of the kabog seeds.
Step 2. "Bugaw" Extended arms wave the hands upward to distract the birds, shooing them before they consume the ready-to-harvest seeds.
Step 3. "Kayog" or "Hakot" Shows the harvest of the seeds by cutting the plant stalks with a sickle.
Step 4. "Gi-ok" With feet in parallel tortillier, the movement demonstrates the actual separation of the grain from its stalk.
Step 5. "Asod" Is the pounding of a large wooden pestle on a large wooden mortar. The alternate pounding of two pestles that break the shell off from the grain is the basis of the Budbod Kabog beat. (The rest would be support percussion from the kalatong or other percussive instruments).
Step 6. "Alig-ig" Final separation of the grain from the shell through the use of a "hapag", an oblong indigenous container.
Step 7. "Pasiko" Circular rotations of the "luwag", large cooking spoon with an elongated handle.
Step 8. "Kilikiti" Wrapping of the Budbod Kabog in banana leaves. The process is concluded with "paibog" or enticing the onlookers to "tilaw" or taste the delicious delicacy.
The Street dancing was start at 1pm in Catmon School Grounds to main streets of the poblacion and ends at the Mayor P.J Monsanto Sports and Cultural Center for the ritual showdown. Colorful costume from different contingents from elementary and high schools was made spectators and tourist decide to come back every year at Catmon Cebu.


Cebu Bloggers Society 2nd Year Anniversary

February 9, 2010

In two years, blogging in Cebu has ripened from just being a mere online diary to something that takes an active role in civic and social awareness.

One of the factors that contributed to this positive development in the blogging scene in Cebu is the creation of a local blogging community.

Kudos Cebu Bloggers Society and Congratulations!!!

Kita kits.. :D


Utanon Festival Queen 2010

Pageantry is one of the most awaited events of every fiesta celebrations, a competition that incorporates the physical beauty, personality, talents of contestants and answers to judges questions. Just like recently sinulog festival they have Search for Miss Cebu and Sinulog Festival Queen.


Utanon Festival 2010 Winners

February 8, 2010

Utanon Festival 2010 was a SUCCESS!!! Thousand of people and spectators came to witness the grandest fiesta of Dalaguete Cebu. Present on the event are: Gov. Gwen Garcia with his vice gov. running mate Glen Soco, Dalaguete Mayor Andrade Alcantara and other local officials.


Faccias de AMORE

February 7, 2010

University of San Carlos (USC-CEBU) of Nursing Student Body Organization in partnership of Teatro Sugbo, Incoporated present "Faccias de Amore (Faces of Love)". This would be a great play event for those who wanted to enjoy their moments this coming valentines day.


Museo sa Dalaguete Cebu

February 6, 2010

Tomorrow (February 7, 2010) is the opening and inauguration of "Museo sa Dalaguete". It will start at 5pm headed by the local officials of Dalaguete Cebu and Gov. Gwen Garcia. The "Museo sa Dalaguete" is part of the 299th Fiesta of the town that will run on Feb 9-10. This is to showcase the history of exhibition

Photo from pinkililac
One of the heritage that is still preserved in the town are: Prehistoric houses - the Almagros and Osorios; the old church, St. William Parish Church - was built in 1770 with stones and wood during the spanish era; the life-size icons of the different saints; the wooden cross that was embedded in a concrete post by Spanish people; the Church walls that used to protect the perimeter area of the church during Moro attacks in the late 18th century and early 19th century; and many many more...

Cebu Festivals is inviting you to watch and visit Dalaguete Cebu as they celebrates 299th Fiesta and 3rd annual Utanon Festival 2010.


Utanon Festival 2010

February 5, 2010

Photo from marqbluzano
Dalaguete Cebu known for "The Vegetable Basket and Summer Capital of Cebu" will celebrates their 3rd annual Utanon Festival 2010 with the theme of "A celebration of Good Harvest through Dance and Music!". This will be on February 9-10 2010. The annual celebration is honor to Saint San Guillermo de Aquitania - the town patron saint.


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